Since 2019, we have welcomed families who are home-educating their children, but who wish for their children to attend school for two days a week. We listen to our families. We recognise that an increasing number of families are looking for a school where they might enjoy some flexibility in being able to ‘share educational responsibility’ and spend quality time with their children. In response to growing requests we developed flexi-school provision to look towards families who wish to educate their children off site for one or two days a week. These agreements we have in place with a number of families are now known as reduced timetable agreements.

Children who attend part-time under this arrangement are subject to the same school admission processes as other children and are counted in the same way as a child who attends full-time. Families are asked to specify on the application from if they are seeking a reduced timetable school model. This model can only be offered to families where certain criteria are met, at the discretion of the headteacher. These have been established by the school governing body. Parents will need to  provide  information about the child’s educational provision for the day/days the child is not in school.

Our policy for reduced timetable agreements is available here.

Please get in touch to discuss what you would like for your family.